
In this section you can find information about the functions and methods available in the powerly package. The information in this section is grouped in two categories, namely, functions and methods.


This category refers to the user exported functions, i.e., the functions that encapsulate the functionality provided by powerly (e.g., running a sample size analysis). The following functions are currently available and documented:

  • generate_model: for generating true model parameters
  • powerly: for running a sample size analysis
  • validate: for validating the results of a sample size analysis


Methods (i.e., S3open in new window) refer to built-in R functions that can operate on the output provided by the functions exported by the powerly package. Two types of S3 methodsopen in new window are currently implemented, i.e., plot and summary:

  • plot.Method: for plotting the results of a sample size analysis
  • plot.Validation: for plotting the results of a sample size analysis validation
  • summary: for summarizing the results of a sample size analysis or validation